Media partners

TenderPro GC is a CIS market leader in the field of multi-level consulting in management of trading and purchasing processes of modern enterprises.
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Unique individual development of business processes for procurement of industrial goods in the People's Republic of China.
Timofey Kim.
Regional representative of TenderPro GC in Asia
Expert – Secretariat of SCO Business Council
Projects Coordinator at Xinjiang Aoleke Business Consultation Co., Ltd
Kz +7 727 350 73 83
Ru + 7 495 215 14 38 доб. 123
Моб. +7 771 259 02 02
Informational and analytical resource of Kazakhstan subsoil use
The Internet resource supported by LLP «Two Key» place information, recent national and world news, business proposals from companies and firms specializing in subsoil use, as well as materials from mineralogical, geological and geochemical investigations. Web Resource provides visitors with information about mining, mining industry and related industries. In the section «stock information» is possible to see the latest on-line price trends presented with the London Stock Exchange for aluminum, lead, copper, tin, in the news frame read analytical articles and reports of world news agencies. In addition, companies working in the sphere of subsoil can use the «labor exchange» for recruits of specialists. The target audience of the Internet resource – is top-managers, managers, marketing specialists and users which showing the business interest in the subsoil use and production of mining industries. All information is freely available.
http://www.infonedra.kzMining and Metallurgical Industry
«Mining and Metallurgical Industry» National Magazine was established by the Republican Association of Mining and Metallurgical Enterprises ALE in 2008. The magazine shows activity of mining companies on introduction of innovative technologies, modernization of production, reduction of injury level, increase of productivity and social responsibility, training and etc. The magazine promotes exchange of best practices in the industry, consolidation of workers of the real sector, conduction of industry conferences and congresses. It is accredited in the Presidential Administration, Parliament, ministries and departments of the Republic of Kazakhstan and has become an interactive platform for exchange of views between the Ministry, employers and the union in the ten years. Periodicity is 12 items per year; the index according to the catalogue of the «Kazpost» JSC is 74112.
http://www.gmprom.kzЗолото и технологии
Информационно-аналитический журнал «Золото и технологии», официальный печатный орган Союза золотопромышленников. Издание рассылается по всем золотодобывающим предприятиям России, аффинажным заводам, научным и исследовательским лабораториям и организациям. Кроме того, журнал получают руководители региональных департаментов недропользования, а также российские и зарубежные производители и поставщики техники, оборудования и технологий для золотодобывающей отрасли. География распространения охватывает 25 субъектов Российской Федерации. Издание специализируется на темах о добыче золота, технологических особенностях процесса золотодобычи, состоянии дел в отрасли, законодательной базе, геологии, разведке и т.д. Периодичность выхода – 4 номера в год, объем номера – от 100 страниц, тираж – 950 экз. Surveying and Subsurface Use
MINE SURVEYING AND SUBSURFACE USE 9, 17 by lane of Maryina Roscha Moscow, 127521, Russia Phone/Fax: (495) 618-70-01, 618-62-07. Phone: (495) 998-49-96, 776-82-40, 776-74-72. E-mail: Http:// MINE SURVEYING AND SUBSURFACE USE is a journal for specialists of surveying, geological, and ecological services, for leaders and executives of federal and regional bodies, scientists, teachers of higher educational institutions, for research institutes and designing organizations. The magazine is issued 6 times a year in black-and-white with colour inserts and cover. The format is A4, each issue contains above 70 pages.Каталог Минералов
Каталог Минералов: всё о драгоценных камнях и минералах!
Наш сайт это научно популярный журнал: основная часть – виртуальная коллекция минералов и драгоценных камней. На сайте вы найдете фотографии, описания и тематические статьи по минералогии и истории камня.
Так же на сайте ежедневно обновляемая новостная лента о геологии, минералогии, горном деле. Публикуются анонсы интересных мероприятий и событий.
На форуме каталога минералов ежедневно ведётся обсуждение геологических и окологеологических тем.
Раздел Месторождения полезных ископаемых содержит информацию о многих минералогически интересных районах мира.
Мы в соцсетях:
Mining Digest
"Russian mining and construction digest" - (mining, construction, industry). Internet edition highlights significant events in these sectors. Media partner and participant of Important events at the federal and industrial levels. Serves as an important communicative bridge of Russian wide, CIS and international markets. mining & conservation
A scientific, technical and methodological journal it addressing a wide range of aspects of underground resource management, including such issues as legal and regulatory frameworks and methodological support, economic strategy and innovation-driven development of the Russian mining industries. The Journal provides detailed coverage of efficient and comprehensive development of mineral deposits, high-level processing and conversion of minerals, development and application of novel geotechnologies and equipment, and industrial safety; discusses the environmental aspects of underground resource management; presents the analytics on mineral reserves and resources, mineral markets, and keeps the readership informed on the important industry events. Eurasian Business magazine Business World Kazakhstan
• First Eurasian Business Magazine
• Official partner of business events in EAEU countries
• Kazakhstan’s brand, which represents the Republic of Kazakhstan at international events
• Platform for sharing information, exchanging opinions and experiences, proving oneself, and
• finding clients and partners.
The magazine with more than 7 years of experience has been the Official media partner of the business events not only in Kazakhstan and the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU), but also in the United States, Singapore, Austria, Germany, Georgia, and other countries. Journal of Kazakhstan
The scientific and technological as well as a production journal, full-color illustrated publication. It has been published bi-monthly since 2003, its circulation amounts to 1500 copies, each issue carrying a brief Kazakh, Russian and English summary of the materials published. Provides exhaustive information on matters relating to the development of deposits, new technologies, mining transport and processing equipment, mining geology, ecology etc.
Subscription indices – 75807 in the catalogues of the «Kazpost», «Evrika – press», «Eurasia press» agency.
Kazakhstan mining portal
Kazakhstan Mining Industry portal – it is special Internet-resource in central Asian Region, which is dedicated for mining industry. Daily news of mining industry of Central-Asian Region and World, searching of exploration, building and project organizations, contacts with subsoil-users, investors and suppliers of equipment, analyzing of progress tend of mining industry.
http://mining.kzJournal “Globus”
“Globus: geology and business” is an information journal.
The territory of distribution is Russia, Kazakhstan and the Uzbekistan. The journal is disseminated in a package by courier delivery, open display and subscription.
CIRCULATION: 9,000 copies.
PERIODICITY: 1 issue in 2.5 months, 5 issues per year
The strategy of “Globus” journal unites two concepts: “business” and “specialized”. The main advantage of such an approach is that the materials presented for the managing staff in the field of subsurface use are up-to-date. Thus, any manager can get relevant information about the market trends.