Corporate Consultant
SRK Consulting (UK) Ltd.
Jane (MSc Pr.Sci.Nat) is a Corporate Consultant with SRK UK and has 25 years of experience providing environmental management consulting services to the mining industry, mainly in Africa and Europe, with some experience in Kazakhstan. She is a specialist in environmental impact assessment, management and auditing. To date, she has been directly involved in the planning of over 30 mines and has overseen reviews of over 100 mining projects/ operations.
Best practice in mineral waste management now and in the future
Mining financiers have an increasing interest in environmental, social and governance (ESG) risk. This talk will focus on SRK’s experience of ESG risks that financiers are most interested in when taking decisions on equity investment in, or debt financing of, mining projects and operations. These risks have changed significantly over the last two decades. Differences in risk in different regions of the world will be considered and compared with the risks in Kazakhstan.
Environmental, social, safety and governance matters of most interest to financiers